Monday, October 27, 2014

DCS: Black Shark 2 - Clear Tkvarcheli (SP Mission)

October 26, 2014

The mission is to clear the city of Tkvarcheli of any threats to a friendly armor unit heading into the city.

The major threat to my flight is a Hawk SAM site, which is very lethal to the KA-50.  My plan was to head north until I can get into a position north west of Tkvarcheli.  I needed to create some distance and use the hills for concealment, so I can hide from, and then take out that Hawk SAM site.  It will not be easy!

I am flying with just one wingman today.  I hope he will be enough.  For anyone familiar to DCS series, the AI wingman aren't the brightest and most useful units.

I lifted off and immediately turned north to get into position north west of Tkravcheli.  

Friendly T-72's and BMP's start up their engines shortly after I lift off.  They are headed to Tkvarcheli with one goal in mind, clear the city of any and all enemy units.  The goal of my flight is to soften up the target area as quickly as possible for our friendly armor to advance into Tkvarcheli.

The Raytheon MIM-23 Hawk (Homing All the Way Killer) medium range surface to air missile, in the middle of Tkvarcheli.  The MIM-23 missile is very deadly for any aircraft.

An American AH-1 Cobra leaves Tkvarcheli to engage our flight and our armor.

Shortly after I spotted the Cobra, it takes a hit from a SAM located at our friendly FARP.  Good thing we had good anti-air coverage.  The KA-50 is a difficult helo to engage air threats.

I finally made it into a good position to take out the cities front line tank defenses.  It wasn't difficult to spot them, however I needed to stay low to avoid the Hawk SAM.

I fired four Shkval air to ground missiles at the first armor I spotted and took them out one by one.

Shack!  Still more targets to take out.  It didn't take long to aquire and engage the enemies armor defenses.

I ordered my wingman to cover me.  Since the wingman in this simulation are kinda crap, the 'cover me' command is usually the most useful task I can give him.  If ANY targets threaten me, my #2 will immediately engage, if possible.

Another missile on it's way to an unfortunate enemy tank.

Just north of Tkvarcheli, peaking from behind a hill, I spotted another SAM and took it out.  So far so good.

Friendly T-72 tank finishing up what's left of the enemies front line of defense.

Once the armor threat looked clear, I set my sights on the Hawk SAM site.  With sweaty palms I gripped by HOTAS  and did a quick pop-up attack on the missile launcher.

Just as I hit the second missile launcher, the Hawk tracking radar found and right after a missile was on it's way to take me out.  At this point I knew I had to take out the tracking radar.  I should have done that first!  

Hawk SAM headed my way.  I quickly dropped back down behind a hill about 8km north east of the SAM site.

I got lucky and managed to evade the first MIM-23 missile.  I popped up from behind the hill and quickly locked and fired another Shkval at the tracking radar for the Hawk SAM.

Boom!  Hawk SAM site out of action.  With no radar, the missiles are rendered useless.

I turned around and created some distance so I could asses the situation.  

With very little enemy armor and other potential threats to my friendly armor, I decided to make a run towards the city and see if I'm was missing anything.  And sure enough, I missed a SAM.  I wasn't sure what fired it, but I was able to evade the missile.  That was very close.

With no missiles left, I decided to sneak in low and slow and try to engage with guns.  

I managed to get an enemy HUMVEE, but that SAM was probably still there and I didn't want to risk  my life again.  With no enemy armor left, I decided to let my friendly ground units mop up the city.  My job is over.  I turned south and headed back to base.  Mission complete.

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